In English

The Artibonite region under gang control despite the state of emergency


The government’s state of emergency has not been accompanied by a reinforcement of law enforcement forces, officials say. The department’s gangs continue their assault

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Gangs are intensifying attacks in Artibonite more than a month after the government decreed a state of security emergency for that department and other areas of the country affected by violence.

The police are asking for resources and reinforcements to intervene. « We have plans, but we are unable to implement them, » the departmental director of the police, Paul Ménard Jean-Louis, told AyiboPost.

The divisional commissioner complains of a lack of « change » since the announcement of Prime Minister Gary Conille’s administration.

Gangs are increasing their assault on the population, but the police are waiting for « new equipment, » Jean-Louis continues.

« It’s still the same number of people for an area supposedly in a state of emergency, » laments another departmental police executive.

Read also:Insecurity: At the bottom of the Artibonite, small businesses close their doors

The gangs are defeating Port-au-Prince and extending their reach outside the capital despite the arrival in June of Kenyan police who came to reinforce Haiti’s security forces. This force, supported by the United States and other partner countries, also complains of a lack of personnel and equipment.

At the end of August, the Tibwadòm gang  invaded a locality in Gros-Morne, an area located between the Artibonite and North-West departments. Local authorities count at least three people murdered, including a farmer and a truck driver.

According to a member of the Board of Directors of the third section of Rivière Blanche, Éric Prudent, the farmer was murdered for refusing to pay money to the gang members.

The bandits also kidnapped three members of the same family who own a distillery called « 5 Sous Clairin » in Grépin.

The head of the investigation department of the Gros-Morne police station, Gédéon Levelt, confirms the course of events to AyiboPost but says he is not aware of the number of victims.

« These are not urban areas, » Levelt continues. « To carry out operations there, you need armored vehicles. »

Read also: Artibonite: an agricultural area that became a valley of crime

The police have no presence at all in most of the localities occupied by the gangs. “We’ve already drawn up reports to outline the problem, and we’re waiting for answers, » says Paul Ménard.

This attack is the second perpetrated by armed groups in less than a week in the region.

They kidnapped a girl on the night of August 22 to 23, 2024 and demanded a ransom of 750,000 gourdes for her release, according to Éric Prudent.

« Kokorat San Ras, » one of the gangs in the locality, denies its involvement in the kidnapping.

In retaliation for accusations made by some members of the population, the armed group began a three-day attack, causing the death of six people and the torching of several houses, according to Éric Prudent.

« These are not urban areas, to carry out operations there you need armored vehicles. »

– Gideon Levelt

About 30 members of the same gang on motorcycles kidnapped school teacher Dieubon Deramau from his home in Terre Neuve on the evening of Friday, June 14.

Locals erected barricades and dug holes to prevent the criminals from escaping with the hostage.

In response, they opened fire on the crowd near the barricades, killing a dozen citizens, torching nearly 20 houses, and stealing livestock before leaving the area on the morning of Saturday, June 15, 2024, according to the testimonies of two witnesses.

The school teacher was also executed.

Contacted by AyiboPost about the progress of the investigation, the head of the investigation department of the Gros-Morne police station announced the arrest of a suspect and the transfer of the file to the Departmental Service of the Judicial Police (SDPJ) of Gonaïves for the continuation of the investigation.

By Fenel Pélissier

Cover image: A Haitian police officer keeping watch near the General Hospital | Jean Feguens Regala/AyiboPost

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Fenel Pélissier est avocat au Barreau de Petit-Goâve, professeur de langues vivantes et passionné de littérature.
