Nos Contributeurs
I'm a wanderer, who roams from city to city, trying to find pieces of herself. I can be found staring into a cup of black coffee, tucked in the quiet corner of coffee shop or being awkward in the streets of LA and documenting my awkward journey on my blog!
Je suis Patrick André, l’exemple vivant d’un paradoxe en pleine mutation. Je vis en dehors d’Haïti mais chaque nuit Haïti vit passionnément dans mes rêves. Je concilie souvent science et spiritualité, allie traditions et avant-gardisme, fusionne le terroir à sa diaspora, visionne un avenir prometteur sur les chiffons de notre histoire. Des études accomplies en biologie, psychologie et sciences de l’infirmerie, je flirte intellectuellement avec la politique, la sociologie et la philosophie mais réprouve les préjugés de l’élitisme intellectuel. Comme la chenille qui devient papillon, je m’applique à me métamorphoser en bloggeur, journaliste freelance et écrivain à temps partiel pour voleter sur tous les sujets qui me chatouillent.
Étudiante en médecine, patriote , passionnée d'art , d'histoire et de littérature , j'ai une personnalité très polyvalente qui se manifeste à travers mes écrits . Grande observatrice j'utilise ma plume et les mots pour peindre tout ce qui m'entoure. Si vous croisez un jour une jeune femme qui vous observe avec de grands yeux ayant à portée de main son IPad ou son portable et qui affiche un sourire énigmatique ou malicieux , vous saurez que c'est moi ! 😉
Young woman pursuing a master's degree in Development and Population Sciences, with a vision of a better Haiti, the country that has given her birth and stolen her heart...
Dull bio right? I promise my posts aren't! 😉
Je suis passionnée de lecture, de cinéma et d’histoire mais l’écriture demeure ma seconde nature. Ma plume me propulse au-delà des frontières de ce monde. Avec elle, la liberté est à portée de main
J'écris parce que le monde est dégueulasse. Le jour où il ne le sera plus, je me mettrai au chant!
Fabian Charles is a haitian poet who studies philosophy and sociology. He already published three books. Séquences d'une confusion nue (2009), Anonymat (2012), Les Racines de la page (2014).
Ben is a senior analyst at Nielsen's quantitative marketing modeling group. He graduated from Cornell University double majoring in Biometry/ Statistics and Applied Economics. Passionate about social impact, sports, technology and statistics, Ben has been engaged in multiple projects/ventures over the last few years, most notably Discussion Football (2010-2012, founder), Education Haiti (2013-Present, co-founder) and "The Liebero Project" (2014-Present, co founder). He currently hosts the Chroniques Sportives Podcast which is a Haitian Kreyol show about sports.
Ben comes to AyiboPost with past experiences with, Inside Spanish Football Magazine, Seri A weekly, The False 9, and Nerazzuri World. Ben will be writing mainly about football philosophy, tactics, and possibly analytics (if the data can be easily be found and crunched in a timely matter). Feel to reach him via email or on twitter.
I am a lover of culture, art, new experiences, amazing food, great conversations and did I say chocolate and cheese? I have this ability to laugh at myself and it is the very thing that keeps me sane. A good way to describe me would be "A curious student of life".
I'm JeanMau. Pharmacien, Humoriste, MC. Moi en 5 mots: Amour, Humour, Labo, OneManShow, Art...
Simple and Complicated is how I can best describe myself. I have a B.A. in Arabic Studies and Nursing forensics and now currently in Medical school. I have a passion for languages and If I possible I would travel the world and learn new languages. I find it amazing. I am the owner of Onaturell a company that sell natural products for hair and skin. My experience with my natural hair and different natural products have convinced me to start my own company. I enjoy learning about anything that has to do with health and lately I've been doing a lot of research about diseases (PCOS,PMS....) that women of my generation are suffering from that prevent them from conceiving. Watch out for a blog or post about Women's Health.
Patrice "Pepé" Dumont est professeur d’Histoire, Relation internationale et Communication. Journaliste et commentateur sportif, il dirige l’émission Sportissibo à Radio Ibo. Reste toujours impliqué dans la vie politique et sociale d’Haïti.
Out of all the things I could have chosen to explore, I picked the pleasures of the flesh to the great displeasure of my peers...