A few days ago, lost in deep thought, I got a « revelation ». Not sure where it came from but it seemed quite accurate, at least to me. « Why is the earth round? » I asked myself. It’s the kind of question that doesn’t require any answer yet, we find ourselves wondering about while laying on the sand or on the toilet… really, no need for a specific environment to question the WHYs of creation. But then I created my own answer: « The earth is round because everything we give on this earth, comes back to us in another form ». Yes, it is a circle. What we think, we attract. What we give, we receive. What we speak, we create.
So, in a world as round as ours, why stay in the same place? If we have the ability to spread love or other kinds of positive things, why not move? And who knows, we might end up learning more in places where we thought others would learn from us. This is the beauty of it. Also, instead of changing things, why not appreciate them? We are so focused on
We are so different, yet the same. We have feelings and emotions, we get hurt, we love, we grieve. But we might get so lost in the differences of the physical appearance that we forget that on the inside, our hearts beat the same.
People’s reactions when I ask if I can take their picture shows me a piece of their personality.
There is no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this. All the people around us are a chance for us to grow and appreciate what is different from us. The beauty of this world is not simply in what we see directly but in what we see through people. It is seeing a million stories behind their eyes and realizing: ‘Their spirit is probably the same as mine ».